The DBS 10-Man is an epic day of paintball where we combine both airball fields so teams can play a massive airball field, with two bunker sets, and we play 10 vs 10!
- ~100 BUNKERS
Who Can Play??
- Teams: Yes you can register as a team! How? Contact us so we can handle your team!
- Do I need 10 on my team? No, register with 4-10 players and we can get Free Agents to fill in your roster!
- Can I have 10 (or more) on my roster? YES. We just want to create a super fun day of paintball for our community. If your team wants 11, 12 …. 13 players on it, that isn’t a problem on our end but your team will have to manage the rotation of your players.
- Free Agents: Yes, you can register!
- We will either pair you up with a team OR
Is There A Team / Player Cap?
After running one of these with 7 teams and getting feedback from our community, we’ve decided that 8 teams is the optimal number of teams for these events. With less teams some of the breaks between games are too short, and one team has a BYE each round, which creates a longer break for that round, so our goal is to have 8 teams.
Flow Of Games
We’ve done our best to make an AWESOME schedule where teams aren’t playing back to back games, but also aren’t waiting hours for games. There are some slots where teams are on the field, have a one game break, then back on the field but there are only a couple slots like that.
The Layout (of the Facility)
- Team will stage one either side of the airball fields.
- Free Agents that are not assigned to teams will stage in the covered area next to the airball check-in area.
- This positions them so they are where teams are checking in for their game, so we can easily snag a Free Agent to fill in as needed. This ensure Free Agents get more games and its easy for all.
Once the first game starts we will then call the two teams from the next game to the center 50 / airball check-in, basically setting up the next game while the game prior is happening. We will see how many players each team has, and fill them in with bodies from the Free Agent pool, that should be staging next to the check-in area. This will make it so that right when the game prior ends, the next two teams will head right onto the field so we can keep field down time to a minimum and improve everyone’s experience.
Gates will open at approximately 8:00am so our team can start topping off bunkers, setting up air stations, setting up the webcast. etc. You are welcome to come in as soon as gates open.
The first game will start promptly at 10:00am. If all teams are checked in and ready prior to 10:00am then we will likely get games rolling early to maximize the day for everyone.
The last game is scheduled to to end at 2:40pm but like with all events, this may be earlier or later depending on how long games actually end up taking (10-minutes per game is scheduled, but some games take 4-minutes), how quick teams are to get on the field, etc.
Following the final game we offer a MEGA GAME where everyone is welcome to play in this final game of the day. Players will walk on and our refs will appoint them to a side so we can keep the number of players on each team even. I believe one event we did 27 vs 27!

The Field Layout
Here is an example layout. Its a layout we used from a previous event, but we combined both airball fields and use (2) NXL Bunker Sets which is approximately 100 bunkers.
Will It Be Streamed?
YES! We plan on livestreaming the 10-man. We typically live stream to Facebook for these 10-man events.
Want to see the feedback we got from the last event??? Check it out here!

PS. If you aren’t already in the DBS Sunday Funday Group on Facebook you should join it! That’s where we chat, coordinate airball events and practices, and generally organize the airball side of things.
WE INCLUDE A MONTHS MEMBERSHIP WITH THE ENTRY. WHY??? WELL, WE WANT TO MAKE IT THE BEST VALUE IN PAINTBALL, PERIOD. Plus, if you only use one case of paintballs, then STILL save $2! After the first case you save $17 per case!
BUT I AM ALREADY A MEMBER! Perfect, you won’t pay the entry fee (your membership covers that) & will pay membership pricing on paintballs!
BUT I AM SPONSORED! Perfect, you won’t pay entry (your membership covers that) & you will pay sponsorship pricing on paintballs!
ENTRY PLUS (1) CASE: Membership ($39.99/month) plus (1) case of DBS Field $87.99 $87.99
ENTRY PLUS (2) CASES: Membership ($39.99/month) plus (2) cases of DBS Field $135.99 $122.39 (10% off)
ENTRY PLUS (3) CASES: Membership ($39.99/month) plus (3) cases of DBS Field $183.99 $156.39 (15% off)